I’ve played games throughout my life, but got bit by the board game bug in 2015. Hard. I’m slowly but surely building my collection, but it’s been a double-edged sword getting into the hobby: everything’s new to me so I have a newbie’s wide-eyed enthusiasm, but it can be pretty overwhelming at the same time. I seem to utter the phrase “here, just take my money” more often these days.
Update: I love seeing the photo above, which was taken when I was new to the hobby. Since then I’ve added over 300+ titles to my game library and have been working to sell and trade away games. How times have changed.
I prefer games that take less than an hour to play, but if I’m in the mood I’ll hunker down for something longer. I like meeting new people and I’m always up for playing a new game.
I’ve collected my board-game-related posts here and you can find links to my other work here.
And hey! Here’s a GIF of yours truly. Fun!