Rahdo and I continue our Top 100 Games of All Time.
tabletop gaming
Meepleville Live Stream
One Whole Month of Live Streaming
I didn’t expect to live stream a game every day for 31 days straight. Then again, I didn’t expect a pandemic to change the world seemingly overnight.
Thanks to my family for live streaming with me since March 18th. Every day at 5pm Pacific we went Live at Five and played a different game on Facebook Live. Here’s the one we did tonight for On Tour, which you can play along with if you have your own score sheet (you can download one here). We did this as a way to stay connected with our family and friends, and as an added bonus it gave all of us a nice bit of structure to our daily lives as we got through the first month of the Stay at Home order.
We’re taking a break this weekend, but we’re not done. Season two of our Live at Five live streams begins on Monday!
Succulent Live Play Through
My stepdaughter and I played Succulent over on the Renegade Game Studios Twitch channel the other night! Check out the replay below.
Tiny Towns with the AEG Crew
Thanks to John Zinser, Todd C Rowland, and Alderac Entertainment Group for having me on today’s game of Tiny Towns! I had a great time playing with everybody and it’s nice to see AEG hosting daily games like this. You can watch the replay below and try to outscore today’s winner (I won’t spoil it for you, but it’s a tough score to beat.
2020 American Tabletop Awards
I said it in my Facebook post this morning, but I’d like to reiterate it here: I’m honored to be a part of the American Tabletop Awards committee. Over the last year we discussed lots of games, finally narrowing down our choices in the four categories before we had our winners. The board game industry continues to put out a lot of quality games and these 20 games (four winners, eight recommended, eight nominated) are the best of the best.
Clank! League Week 5
I love playing Clank! with Victor and Gary. We always have a lot of laughs and this time there was something that absolutely killed me. Check out the replay of our live stream below and be sure to join us next Tuesday 1pm PST as we play another game of Clank!
The Five By: January 29, 2020
Proud to be part of The Five By team. New episode of our bi-weekly podcast is now available for your listening pleasure! Five-minute board game reviews from five different reviewers. I talked about Heroes of Land, Air, & Sea from Gamelyn Games, a fun 4X game!
365 Day Board Game Challenge
Happy New Year, friends! I’m doing a 365 Day Board Game Challenge. Every day in 2020 I’m posting about #boardgames: a blog, a photo, a video, a podcast, etc. As long as it’s about a #boardgame, I’ll post it with the #gameaday and #2020challenge hashtags. Join me! pic.twitter.com/8JqhlknzwK
— Ruel Gaviola 🎲 🇺🇸 🇵🇭 (@RuelGaviola) January 2, 2020
November Writing Challenge Day 22: Court of the Dead: Mourners Call
I’m blogging every day this month. Some will be game-related, but this challenge is different than my most recent play-a-game-and-blog-about-it challenge. I’m writing a single post every day: no topic guidelines, with some posts being a collection of random thoughts. Click here to read yesterday’s post.

Thanks to the good people at The Op, I was able to play a pre-release copy of Court of the Dead: Mourners Call earlier this year (I also wrote about it for Geek & Sundry). It was a terrific game; basically, it’s a next-step Blood Rage. There’s this whole back story about the ongoing war between heaven-and-hell and how you’re trying to restore balance to the universe.
Sideshow Collectibles did an amazing job with the artwork and components. The cards are beautifully designed and check out the player board trackers in the photo above: they’re these cool skulls that fit right into the theme of the game.
Along with the box art and the rulebook, this is a fantasy game that reminds me of the summers I spent hanging out with my friend Dave. We were teenagers with nothing to do during the summertime except listen to heavy metal, play games, and talk about girls. It was a lifetime ago, but we’re still friends to this day and while we don’t really listen to heavy metal or talk about girls now, we recently started playing games again.
In fact, we played Blood Rage on his birthday this year and I’m looking forward to introducing him to Court of the Dead: Mourners Call. I’ve already got the soundtrack ready for our game.