Day 189: The Gift of Gaming

Love Letter

Love Letter

To celebrate our anniversary, I took my wife out to eat and I surprised her with a few new games: Scrabble Flash, Ticket to Ride USA 1910, and Love Letter.

We were hooked on Scrabble Flash last year when my sister-in-law bought the game. It’s a fun, high-tech version of the classic board game. It’s an outstanding solo player game and I love the fast-paced play.

I wrote about our addiction to Ticket to Ride earlier this year. We played countless games before downloading the app for our tablets, where we ended up playing most of the time. So, to rekindle our passion for TTR, I bought the 1910 expansion. We’ll be putting this to the test soon and I’m already fired up to try out the new rules.

Finally, no anniversary would be complete without a love letter or, in our case, the Love Letter card game. I’ve heard nothing but good things about LL and it seems like it’s our style of game: easy to learn, with some strategy, and games that don’t take all day to play.