Day 337: Lando’s ‘Stache

The other day I launched my Star Wars blog, Lando’s ‘Stache, over on I’ll be posting my Star Wars content over there, so this will probably be my last one here until the big day. Follow me there for my online Star Wars scrapbook. You’ll find plenty of stuff from that galaxy far, far […]

Day 324: Less Than A Month

We’re less than a month away from the opening of Star Wars: The Force Awakens. We’ve scoured the Internet for any kind of Star Wars news. We’ve seen two teasers, a behind-the-scenes short, trailers for various parts of the world, and now TV spots. We’ve had merchandise shoved down our throats on Force Friday. I’m not sure why, […]

Day 302: Rewatchable

After I posted my progress on my 2015 Goals list yesterday, I thought about why I haven’t been motivated to complete my goal of watching all 100 of AFI’s Greatest Films. I love watching movies and a lot of those on that list are classics. I should’ve been able to finish that list with no problem, right? […]

Day 293: Full Geek Mode

I’m in full geek mode right now. After the Star Wars The Force Awakens trailer debuted last night, I read a handful of Star Wars articles and watched youtube videos (and, yes, I watched the trailer dozens of times). One thing that I stumbled upon that I absolutely loved was this quote from Felicia Day: “Geekdom […]

Day 292: Bingo and BB-8

My wife and I were out with friends tonight, enjoying drinks, appetizers, and a hilarious game of bingo at a local restaurant. We wouldn’t be watching the Star Wars The Force Awakens trailer “live,” but we could watch it at home. The bingo game was a blast and my wife won a prize! We were excited […]